Tag: erasmus
My old blog
Re-publishing the posts of my old erasmus blog
The other day I was browsing through the Wayback Machine and I tried looking up if they had a copy of my old blog dimlight.wordpress.com, a blog I wrote during my second Erasmus exchange program stay in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Of course, they had several snapshots archived. The images and videos are missing, but the texts are intact, so I decided to re-publish verbatim copies of these old posts here.
Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes. Hello, I’m back again, so dont get confused if you see me around in Barcelona or Arenys! After coming back I can confirm what I expected: the thing I miss the most from Aberdeen are the long football afternoons we spent in Seaton (well, that and cheap deals involving Guinness or any other kind of beer in the Watering Hole).
Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes. Finally I’m done with the coding - I’m posting some screens so that u can feel what the project looks like. Maybe I’ll upload the whole application in the future…
Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes. These days after the Highlands trip I’m quite idle and I’ve had time to work on the project again. For the moment it fits the scheduling and I could say it’s going pretty well. Here’s a small screenshot so u can feel what it looks like by now. (Click on image for a larger display).
Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes. Hem tornat ja de fer el guiri per les Highlands. Pràcticament hem fet tot el nord-oest d’escòcia, sense deixar-nos Stirling, Oban, Fort William, Skye, Kyle of Lochalsh, Inverness… Ha estat un viatge impressionant amb paisatges magnífics. Senzillament no es pot descriure amb paraules! Si voleu saber més feu una ullada a les noves fotos del viatge.
Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes. So I’m finally settled down in Scotland. I went today to buy a football so that we can play whenever we feel like, without having to ask the others for a proper ball. Well, anyway, Im posting to tell u about whats happening in the upcoming week. A friend of my hometown, Oriol, is coming some days to Aberdeen to visit me and to hav a quick look at Scotland, so we’ll be taking a 4-day tour through the north and the west of this country, the less populated and most beautiful zone.